
Lernen - LMS Flutter APP

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  • Created: 25 Nov, 2024
  • Update: 25 Nov, 2024

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, Please feel free contact us at Item Support Page.

What is Lernen

Lernen is a Flutter application designed for the Lernen LMS (Learning Management System), offering an enhanced, mobile-centric experience tailored for students and teachers. The app strengthens the platform by streamlining features such as course management, communication, and payment processing, all optimized for seamless use on the go. It facilitates efficient connections between students and teachers, enabling a more engaging and interactive learning environment.



Thank you for choosing the Lernen App! To get started, please log in to your codecanyon account. Once you're logged in, navigate to the "Downloads" section where you'll find all your purchased items. Locate the Lernen App in the list and click on the "Download" button to access your files.


Upon downloading the zip package file from Codecanyon, you'll have all files you need inside. Zip package contains the following files

Files in

  • - APP Source code
  • - Documentation


Before beginning, ensure that your development environment meets the following requirements:

  • Flutter SDK: Download and install Flutter SDK from Recommended version 3.16.8
  • Android Studio: for Android development
  • Xcode: for iOS development
  • JDK 17.0.10 (Recommended)
  • Flutter SDK: Download and install Flutter SDK from Recommended version 3.16.8 elegant icons
  • INSTALL Plugin Flutter plugin in Android Studio elegant icons
  • FLUTTER SDK Configure FLUTTER SDK path in Android Studio elegant icons
  • DART SDK Configure Dart SDK path from installed flutter sdk folder in Android Studio elegant icons
  • INSTALL Plugin DART Plugin in Android Studio elegant icons


Follow these steps to set up your development environment and install the necessary components:

Step 1: Extract

For support: you can send email at

To use this app you must have android studio already installed. For more information regarding installing the android studio, please visit

Tip: To use this app you must have android studio already installed. For more information regarding installing the android studio, please visit Android Studio After Installing android studio, simply unzip app source .zip file and open source code in android studio.

App Configuration

Follow these steps to configure the app in code editor. Start by installing the necessary Node modules and iOS pod files.

Step 1: Open project in Android Studio

Step 2: Go to pubspec.yaml file and click on pub get as highlighted in below screenshot

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Step 3: How to run app in Android Studio Click on highlighted green icon in Android Studio

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Step 4: Open api_service.dart file under lib/api_structure folder. Make sure Lernen API plugin installed and activated on your site.

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Step 5 for IOS: Download Xcode from App store in IOS to test the app on ios device. open ios/yourapp.xcworkSpace file in Xcode and run the project on device

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Step 6:Setting ANDROID_HOME environmental variable on Windows

  • Where the Android-SDK is installed depends on how you installed it.
  • You have to open Environment Variable and add Android Sdk path there
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Step 7: Setting ANDROID_HOME environmental variable on MacOS

  • Add the following lines to the end of the file: export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/your-username/Library/Android/sdk Note: Replace your-username with your actual macOS username and save changes.

General Settings

Set name for Android: To change app name, open android\app\src\main\res\values\AndroidManifest.xml file and replace android:label key value.

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Set name for IOS:To change app name, open ios/Runner/Info.plist under CFBundleDisplayName

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Change App Icon for Android: To change app icon, go to android/app/src/main/res/mipmap and replace all mipmap images with your logo

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Change App Icon for Ios: To change the application icon for the iOS replace all the content of downloaded makeappicon zip of IOS folder. Go to Xcode YourProject -> Images.xcassets -> Replace all Images from the downloded folder by drag and drop.

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Change package name for android: You can modify app name in file
Firstly check package name in android/app/build.gardle folder
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Then you can modify package name like this in windows ctrl+shift+R and in max command+shift+R then click on Replace All as highlighted
elegant icons Change package name in IOS: You can modify package name in Bundle Identifier
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Release Build

For Android: You can generate build for Android like this
First open Flutter project android folder in Android Studio then it will take some time to gradle syncing elegant icons
android folder seperately open in Android studio then syncing take some time elegant icons after syncing completed elegant icons Then you have to set the generated file my-release-key.keystore
Click on Gnerate Signed App Bundle / APK... elegant icons by default bundle selected click next elegant icons Write name of keystore then click on new elegant icons Fill Fields as per your requirement and select path where to save keystore then click next elegant icons then click nect again to create bundle and make sure keystore path should be filled elegant icons
tap on next to create release aab file to upload on your console account
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Congratulations! you successfully created .aab file
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For IOS: You have to make some changes in Xcode. First you need to do purchase Apple Developer Account then after it go to your Xcode, select the Build device as Any iOS Device(arm64) and then open the tab of product/Archive after change version and build number for release.

elegant icons For IOS: Check General settings

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For IOS: When Account purcahse just make sure team should not be empty

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IOS App Deployment: Open the tab of product/Archive after change version and build number for release.

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